Mar 25: The Council of Great Lakes Governors (CGLG) announced it is inviting public comment from March 25 through April 27, 2009, on draft water use information reporting protocols for the Great Lakes--St. Lawrence River Basin. The Great Lakes Governors and Premiers signed the Great Lakes--St. Lawrence River Basin Sustainable Water Resources Agreement on December 13, 2005. In the Agreement, the Governors and Premiers committed to gather and share water use information. The information would be used to assist the Great Lakes States and Provinces in beginning to improve scientific understanding of the waters of the Basin, the impacts of withdrawals from various locations and water sources on the basin ecosystem, understanding of the role of groundwater, and to clarify what groundwater forms part of the waters of the Basin. It will also provide the basis for adaptive management.
The draft protocols now available for public comment were jointly drafted by staff from the Great Lakes States and Provinces in order to develop recommendations for how information will be reported to the Great Lakes--St. Lawrence River Water use database. Also included are draft guidelines for water users to report water use information to the relevant State or Province. The draft protocols reflect input from Tribes and First Nations, and regional stakeholders. Comments are invited on all aspects of the draft protocols and, in particular, how water use information for intra-basin transfers should be reported. Following a review of the public comments, CGLG said revisions will be considered to the drafts.
Access the draft protocols (click here). Access further information from the CGLG website (click here).