May 7: A number of organization applauded President Obama's $475 million for Great Lakes restoration funding, included within U.S. EPA's FY 2010 proposed budget [See WIMS 5/7/09]. The budget details indicate that the funding, "Accelerates the Restoration of the Great Lakes. The 2010 Budget includes a new $475 million inter-agency initiative to address regional issues that affect the Great Lakes, such as invasive species, non-point source pollution, and contaminated sediment. This initiative will use outcome-oriented performance goals and measures to target the most significant problems and track progress in addressing them. EPA and its Federal partners will coordinate State, tribal, local, and industry actions to protect, maintain, and restore the chemical, biological, and physical integrity of the Great Lakes."
Access the Great Lakes budget details (click here, page 2). Access a release from Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition (click here). Access a release from the Great Lakes Commission (click here). Access a release from Alliance for the Great Lakes (click here).