IUGLS is examining whether the regulation plan for Lake Superior outflows at Sault Ste. Marie might be improved to take into consideration changing interests and changing climate. In its first phase, the Study examined whether ongoing changes in the St. Clair River might be affecting upper Great Lakes water levels. The Study Board's findings and recommendations in this regard were published in December, 2009 [See WIMS 12/16/09], and the public has been invited to comment on them before the IJC makes recommendations to governments [See WMS 2/24/10].
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010
International Upper Great Lakes Study Newsletter Available
Mar 17: The March 2010 edition of "On the Level" the newsletter of the International Upper Great Lakes Study (IUGLS) is now available. The latest issue features: details about the IJC public consultation regarding the St. Clair River report, including how to comment; maps showing proposed sites that will be examined by the Ecosystem and Coastal technical working groups; an article about the important role of Adaptive Management in the Study; updates on new members of the Public Interest Advisory Group, including a new U.S. co-chair; and an article about the Chicago Diversion and its impact on water levels. A longer version of the article, with a more detailed history of the Chicago Diversion is also available from the link below.
Access the latest newsletter (click here). Access the longer version of the Chicago Diversion article (click here). Access the IUGLS website for more information (click here). Access the IJC website dedicated to the public consultation regarding the St. Clair River report (click here).