Apr 26: In the wake of the latest decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to deny Michigan and six other states their day in court on the Asian carp crisis [See WIMS 4/26/10], Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox said that "thousands of Michigan jobs now depend on the willingness of President Obama, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Harry Reid to protect the Great Lakes over the narrow interests of the President's home state of Illinois." Michigan's lawsuit calling for a permanent separation of the Great Lakes basin from the Mississippi River basin was supported by Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, and the Province of Ontario.
In a release, Cox said residents can make their voices heard by calling the White House at 202-456-1414, signing an online petition to protect the Lakes at www.StopAsianCarp.com, and posting comments at the stopasiancarp.com page on Facebook. Cox also called on Speaker Pelosi and Leader Reid to quickly advance critical legislation sponsored by Congressman Dave Camp (H.R. 4472) and Senator Debbie Stabenow (S. 294). The CARP Act will allow immediate action to protect the Great Lakes' ecosystem and $7 billion per year fishing industry from invasive Asian carp, much like what was called for in Michigan's suit. Cox praised the bi-partisan efforts of Governor Granholm, the Michigan DNRE, and Michigan's Congressional delegation and said their continued efforts are critical to stopping Asian carp from entering the Great Lakes.
Cox said, "The fight to protect Michigan's jobs and environment now falls to President Obama and Congress. While President Obama has turned a blind eye to the millions of Great Lakes residents who do not happen to live in his home state of Illinois, it is now up to him to save thousands of Michigan jobs and our environment. Unfortunately, very little of the President's incomplete plan has even been implemented at this point. Michigan and all other Great Lakes residents should contact the President immediately and tell him the future of our region requires immediate action."
In a release, Cox said residents can make their voices heard by calling the White House at 202-456-1414, signing an online petition to protect the Lakes at www.StopAsianCarp.com, and posting comments at the stopasiancarp.com page on Facebook. Cox also called on Speaker Pelosi and Leader Reid to quickly advance critical legislation sponsored by Congressman Dave Camp (H.R. 4472) and Senator Debbie Stabenow (S. 294). The CARP Act will allow immediate action to protect the Great Lakes' ecosystem and $7 billion per year fishing industry from invasive Asian carp, much like what was called for in Michigan's suit. Cox praised the bi-partisan efforts of Governor Granholm, the Michigan DNRE, and Michigan's Congressional delegation and said their continued efforts are critical to stopping Asian carp from entering the Great Lakes.
Access a release from AG Cox (click here).