Sep 13: The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative (Cities Initiative) announced its opposition to the proposed shipment by Bruce Power of radioactive waste on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence. They point out that the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence form the largest body of fresh water in the world. Over 40 million Canadians and Americans rely on them for their safe drinking water. The Cities Initiative is opposing the proposed maritime shipment of sixteen, 100 tonne steel radioactive steam generators, from Owen Sound, through Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence and out into the Atlantic to Sweden.
The opposition to the proposed shipment is based on three principle reasons. Firstly, there is concern over the potential environmental impacts to the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence in the event of an accident during shipment. Secondly, the Cities Initiative has concerns about the review process, including information gaps about the proposed shipment. Thirdly, the potentially precedent setting nature of the shipment, with the amount of radioactive waste exceeding the international allowable limit for a single shipment in inland waters by 50 times, is cause for concern. The Cities Initiative's position on the proposed radioactive waste shipment has been submitted to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) for its consideration The Cities Initiative has requested standing at the CNSC hearing on the proposed shipment on September 29 in Ottawa.
Access a release from the Cities Initiative (click here). Access background information and links to the CNSC letter and CNSC submission (click here).