Dec 7: A rotenone rapid response, known as Operation Pelican, was completed on a 2.6-mile section of the Little Calumet River in Chicago immediately downstream of the T. J. O'Brien Lock and Control Works during May 19-28, 2010. The treatment zone measured 173 surface acres and it included the river main stem from O'Brien Lock and Dam to the Beaubien Woods Forest Preserve boat launches, the mouth of the Grand Calumet River, and the Marine Services Corporation Marina. The primary purpose of the response was to determine the abundance of bighead and silver carp (Asian carp) in this portion of the Chicago Area Waterway System (CAWS) that had previously produced multiple positive detections for Asian carp environmental DNA. The Fish Identification and Enumeration Branch processed all fish recovered during the operation. No bighead or silver carp were recovered or observed during the operation.
Access an overview and link to maps of the sampling site (click here). Access the 7-page report of the sampling (click here).