Apr 6: The Army Corps of Engineers (COE) announced that the transcripts for the public scoping meetings for the Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study (GLMRIS) for Chicago (December 15, 2010) and Buffalo (January 11, 2011) are now available on the GLMRIS website on the Completed NEPA Public Scoping Meetings and Transcripts page. Scoping transcripts from the other 10 public meeting sites will be posted as they become available [See WIMS 3/1/11]. The public scoping period is now closed. Public scoping comments were accepted from November 16, 2010 through March 31, 2011.
The purpose of GLMRIS is to evaluate a range of options and technologies to prevent the transfer of aquatic nuisance species, such as Asian carp, between the Great Lakes and Mississippi River basins through aquatic pathways. Opportunities for public involvement, new documents and other important news and events are posted on the GLMRIS website on the new Stay Involved page and are also sent to the GLMRIS e-mail subscription list. GLMRIS also maintains a Facebook page and Twitter account.
The purpose of GLMRIS is to evaluate a range of options and technologies to prevent the transfer of aquatic nuisance species, such as Asian carp, between the Great Lakes and Mississippi River basins through aquatic pathways. Opportunities for public involvement, new documents and other important news and events are posted on the GLMRIS website on the new Stay Involved page and are also sent to the GLMRIS e-mail subscription list. GLMRIS also maintains a Facebook page and Twitter account.
Access a COE posted announcement (click here). Access the Meetings and Transcripts page (click here). Access the Stay Involved page (click here). Access complete information regarding GLMRIS, the meeting agenda and scoping requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (click here).