May 3: In a letter to Congress, Great Lakes Commission Chairman Jim Tierney has provided a series of recommendations for improving implementation of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) and asked that it be incorporated as guidance in the Fiscal Year 2012 appropriations bills. In correspondence to the House and Senate appropriations committees, the Commission called for Congressional direction to U.S. EPA to strengthen coordination with the states and give them greater authority over how the GLRI is implemented. The Commission noted that the Great Lakes states know what the most important restoration priorities are and can direct resources to them efficiently.
The Commission is urging Congress to direct U.S. EPA to: Strengthen coordination with the states and provide greater authority in implementing the GLRI; Administer GLRI funding in a way that minimizes transaction costs and maximizes efficiency and on-the ground results; Maintain the GLRI's focus on existing priorities and on-the-ground actions; Minimize non-Federal match requirements; and Maintain base funding for existing programs. The Commission also reiterated its FY 2012 funding priorities for advancing Great Lakes restoration and economic revitalization, urging Federal appropriators to maintain funding for the GLRI and provide funding for the Clean Water and Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund programs.
Access an announcement from the Commission (click here). Access the Commission recommendations (click here). Access more information on the Commission's regional advocacy program for the Great Lakes (click here).