Jul 13: EPA's Great Lakes National Program Office has announced a Request for Applications (RFA) under the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI or Initiative) for FY 2012. The RFA solicits applications from eligible entities for a cooperative agreement to support a Great Lakes Long-Term Biological Monitoring Program pursuant to the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Action Plan.
Applications must be submitted to EPA electronically (or through any alternate authorized submission method) for RFA Number EPA-R5-GL2012-2, entitled, "Great Lakes Long-Term Biological Monitoring of Zooplankton, Benthos and Chlorophyll" by
August 13, 2012, 11:59 AM, Eastern Daylight Time. EPA will notify finalist on September 3, 2012 (tentative); and will make an official award on September 24, 2012 (tentative).
Access the 38-page RFA (click here). Access an application website for information relating to the RFA process, applicant mailing list, and link to frequently asked questions (FAQs) (click here). Access the grants.gov website (click here). Access the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Action Plan (click here). [#GLakes]
August 13, 2012, 11:59 AM, Eastern Daylight Time. EPA will notify finalist on September 3, 2012 (tentative); and will make an official award on September 24, 2012 (tentative).
Access the 38-page RFA (click here). Access an application website for information relating to the RFA process, applicant mailing list, and link to frequently asked questions (FAQs) (click here). Access the grants.gov website (click here). Access the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Action Plan (click here). [#GLakes]
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