Feb 22: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study (GLMRIS) released for public comment four draft Ohio, and one draft New York, Aquatic Pathway Assessment Reports that estimate the likelihood of an aquatic pathway forming and the possibility of aquatic nuisance species (ANS) using it to reach the adjacent basin. Comments on the four draft Ohio and one draft New York reports will be accepted through March 22, 2013 and may be submitted electronically on the website below.
The draft reports, which were developed in coordination with Federal, state and local partners, show that Ohio-Erie Canal at Long Lake (Summit County) has a medium probability for the inter-basin movement of silver, bighead and black Asian carp and the northern snakehead; and Little Killbuck Creek (Medina County) has a medium probability for the inter-basin movement of the viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSv), threespine stickleback, ruffe and tubenose goby and parasitic copepod.
The medium rating indicates that while ANS transfer could occur at these locations, it is estimated that none of the ANS would likely be able to reach the aquatic pathway within the next 20 years. Grand Lake-St. Mary's (Mercer County), Mosquito Creek Lake-Grand River (Trumbull County) and the one potential pathway location for New York at East Mud Lake (Chautauqua County) have a low probability for the inter-basin movement of ANS, meaning it is unlikely for ANS of Concern to reach the pathway location on their own and to establish a population in the vicinity within the next 50 years.
The medium rating indicates that while ANS transfer could occur at these locations, it is estimated that none of the ANS would likely be able to reach the aquatic pathway within the next 20 years. Grand Lake-St. Mary's (Mercer County), Mosquito Creek Lake-Grand River (Trumbull County) and the one potential pathway location for New York at East Mud Lake (Chautauqua County) have a low probability for the inter-basin movement of ANS, meaning it is unlikely for ANS of Concern to reach the pathway location on their own and to establish a population in the vicinity within the next 50 years.
Access a release from GLMRIS (click here). Access the Aquatic Pathway Assessment Reports by states and link to the commenting forms (click here). [#GLakes/AsianCarp, #GLakes/ANS]
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