Mar 8: The newly-released Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) Fiscal Year 2011 Report to Congress and the President indicates that bipartisan, multi-sector, community-based support has helped get GLRI off to a strong start. The Report covers Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 (October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2011). Because the GLRI is still relatively new, this is the first report that uses available data to show clear progress under the GLRI and it compares that progress with the GLRI Action Plan Measures of Progress.
The Federal Great Lakes Interagency Task Force (IATF) of 11 departments and agencies released the GLRI Action Plan for FY 2010-2014 at a February 2010 Council of Great Lakes Governors meeting [See WIMS 2/22/10]. The release followed extensive input from a diverse group of people throughout the Great Lakes basin. Results are organized under each of the Action Plan's five Focus Areas include including: Toxic Substances and Areas of Concern; Invasive Species; Nearshore Health and Nonpoint Source Pollution; Habitat and Wildlife Protection and Restoration; and, Accountability, Education, Monitoring, Evaluation, Communication and Partnerships.
The Federal Great Lakes Interagency Task Force (IATF) of 11 departments and agencies released the GLRI Action Plan for FY 2010-2014 at a February 2010 Council of Great Lakes Governors meeting [See WIMS 2/22/10]. The release followed extensive input from a diverse group of people throughout the Great Lakes basin. Results are organized under each of the Action Plan's five Focus Areas include including: Toxic Substances and Areas of Concern; Invasive Species; Nearshore Health and Nonpoint Source Pollution; Habitat and Wildlife Protection and Restoration; and, Accountability, Education, Monitoring, Evaluation, Communication and Partnerships.
Access the 44-page GLRI FY11 Report (click here). Access the GLRI website for more information (click here). [GLakes/GLRI]
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