Jul 18: U.S. EPA announces a public meeting and teleconference of the Great Lakes Advisory Board (GLAB) to be held on July 23, 2013 in Chicago, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM (CDT). The GLAB is a Federal advisory committee established in 2012 to provide independent, consensus advice on Great Lakes restoration to the EPA Administrator who acts as Chair of the Interagency Task Force. The GLAB consists of 18 members, including a chairperson, appointed by EPA's Administrator. Members serve as representatives of state, local and tribal government, environmental groups, agriculture, business, transportation, foundations, educational institutions and as technical experts.
The GLAB held a meeting on May 21 and 22, 2013 and a teleconference on June 12, 2013, to discuss refinements to the existing GLRI Action Plan that will inform the development of a draft FY 2015-2019 Action Plan. The purpose of the July 23, 2013 meeting is for the GLAB to discuss its recommendations. Also, periodic opportunities for the public to provide input to the GLAB for consideration will be provided after the July 23, 2013 public meeting.
Access an announcement with further details and links (click here). Access an agenda and other materials in support of the meeting from the GLRI website (click here). [#GLakes/GLRI]