Aug 1: The Council of Great Lakes Governors (CGLG) seeks to hire a consultant or consulting firm (consultant), part-time. The primary role of the consultant will be to analyze the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River maritime transportation system and develop recommendations that will ultimately be shared with the Great Lakes Governors and Premiers for their consideration in the development of policies to be adopted and programs that may be implemented.
The position requires experience on port, transportation and maritime issues. The consultant will work closely with the CGLG staff and will report to the Executive Director. The consultant will also work closely with the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Maritime Task Force (Task Force) as well as other staff designated by the Great Lakes States, Ontario and Québec. Proposals will be accepted via email until August 31, 2013.
Access the CGLG website and a brief announcement of the RFP (click here). Access the complete RFP for details (click here). [#GLakes]