Sep 24: The Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS) announced the launch of its Data Portal. The GLOS Data Portal is the central repository for Great Lakes data hosted by GLOS. The Data Portal is the means by which GLOS makes real-time and archived information available to a broad range of stakeholders. As outlined in the Enterprise Plan, the availability of data allows stakeholders to make smarter decisions about how to use, manage and restore the resources of the Great Lakes.
The first screen that appears provides users with an overview of the tool and explains the layout. The information included addresses: Point Observations, Satellite Observations, Model Forecasts, Search and Help. Perusing the topics will assist in quickly understanding the Data Portal. GLOS is dedicated to developing a fully integrated, bi-national observing system that provides products and services to decision-makers, resource managers and other data users. In partnership with federal, state and local government agencies, research institutions, industries, private corporations, bi-national organizations, and not for profit organizations, GLOS connects data users with data providers in ways that are supportive of policy and decision-making.
The first screen that appears provides users with an overview of the tool and explains the layout. The information included addresses: Point Observations, Satellite Observations, Model Forecasts, Search and Help. Perusing the topics will assist in quickly understanding the Data Portal. GLOS is dedicated to developing a fully integrated, bi-national observing system that provides products and services to decision-makers, resource managers and other data users. In partnership with federal, state and local government agencies, research institutions, industries, private corporations, bi-national organizations, and not for profit organizations, GLOS connects data users with data providers in ways that are supportive of policy and decision-making.
Access a release from GLOS and link to the Data Portal and a video tour (click here). Access the GLOS website for more information (click here). [#GLakes]