Friday, May 27, 2016

Registration for the Great Lakes Public Forum

This is the last post.

WIMS has now closed all operations.

I will be blogging about broken government and related matters @

<> Registration for the Great Lakes Public Forum - The Great Lakes Public Forum, occurring once every three years, provides an opportunity for the United States and Canada to discuss and receive public comments on the state of the Lakes and binational priorities for science and action; and provides an opportunity for the International Joint Commission to discuss and receive public comment on the Progress Report of the Parties -- October 4-6, Toronto

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Ohio Releases Blueprint to Curb Toxic Algae - But Plan Falls Short

<> Ohio Releases Blueprint to Curb Toxic Algae - But Plan Falls Short - Governor Kasich's administration released its plan for curbing Lake Erie's toxic algae, the plan includes a number of positive proposals but as  drafted, it falls short of the actions needed to fully solve this problem -- specifically, the Collaborative Implementation Plan includes an encouraging new program to verify implementation of conservation practices, but overall it lacks effective solutions to reduce runoff pollution from big agriculture, which scientists recognize as the primary source of pollution feeding the lake's algae. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Lake Erie Phosphorus Objectives Review Panel Meeting

<> Lake Erie Phosphorus Objectives Review Panel Meeting - Meeting June 21 & 22, in Chicago to provide advice on development of phosphorus loading targets for Lake Erie – links to agenda and further information.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

On-board water treatment is next line of defense against invasion

<> On-board water treatment is next line of defense against invasion - The WI Department of Natural Resources expects to begin enforcing the new requirements in the state's ports some time this year, as soon as the U.S. Coast Guard and International Maritime Organization complete final technical and legal details that will allow state and federal regulations to take effect -- treatment equipment adds about $500,000 to the cost of a new ship -- costs twice as much to retrofit a ship with the equipment

Monday, May 23, 2016

Public Notice On City of Waukesha Declaration of Finding

<> Public Notice On City of Waukesha Declaration of Finding - The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Water Resources Regional Body has issued a Declaration of Finding on the City of Waukesha, Wisconsin's application for a diversion of Great Lakes water -- also the Compact Council will meet to consider the application on June 21, 2016 beginning no sooner than 11:30 a.m. CDT

Friday, May 20, 2016

Great Lakes Harbor fact sheets

<> Great Lakes Harbor fact sheets - Curious about the many harbors in the Great Lakes? The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has prepared fact sheets with information about harbors throughout the Great Lakes region

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Great Lakes Body Recommends Modifications to Waukesha's Proposal

<> Great Lakes Body Recommends Modifications to Waukesha's Proposal - The vote was 9-0, with Minnesota abstaining for a modified proposal from 10 MGD to 8 MGD -- groups are disappointed that the Regional Body did not completely reject the diversion proposal -- recommendation goes to Great Lakes governors for a vote on June 21.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

U.S. Rep Kaptur seeks to cut off funding for open lake dumping

<> U.S. Rep Kaptur seeks to cut off funding for open lake dumping - U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) says she will attempt to cut off all federal funding for open lake dumping on Lake Erie being carried out by the Army Corps of Engineers.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Is your water department up for a little friendly competition?

<> Is your water department up for a little friendly competition? - The Great Lakes Protection Fund has awarded a grant to the American Water Works Association (AWWA) to conduct a collaborative competition of municipal water utilities -- participants will get to test drive new technology that enables them to reduce their mercury emissions – simply by scheduling their pumps to operate when cleaner sources of energy are available.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Draft Nearshore Framework for the Great Lakes Available for Comment

<> Draft Nearshore Framework for the Great Lakes Available for Comment - A Nearshore Framework for the Great Lakes has been drafted and is now available for a sixty-day review period ending on July 12, 2016 -- the Nearshore Framework satisfies a commitment in the Lakewide Management Annex of the Agreement to "develop, within three years, an integrated nearshore framework to be implemented collaboratively through the lakewide management process for each Great Lake."

Friday, May 13, 2016

American company alleges Ontario invented pretexts to stop Great Lakes wind farms

<> American company alleges Ontario invented pretexts to stop Great Lakes wind farms - Canadian taxpayers are facing a $475-million free-trade claim from an American company that alleges the Ontario government invented scientific pretexts to stop wind farms in the Great Lakes.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Great Lakes Reps Put Off Opinion on Waukesha Application

<> Great Lakes Reps Put Off Opinion on Waukesha Application - Waukesha will have to wait at least another week to learn whether its request for Lake Michigan water may move forward. Great Lakes delegates met Tuesday and Wednesday in Chicago -- while they were supposed to decide whether to recommend approval of Waukesha's request; instead the group moved to delay -- Regional Body agreed to meet by webinar on May 18.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Who Gets to Drink From the Great Lakes?

<> Who Gets to Drink From the Great Lakes? A city's proposal to divert Lake Michigan water is raising concerns about future water grabs from outlying regions.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Great Lakes states tighten spigot on Waukesha's water request

<> Great Lakes states tighten spigot on Waukesha's water request - Great Lakes officials are recommending numerous conditions on distribution of the water and return of treated wastewater to the lake, a draft document says.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Soo Locks failure could cripple U.S. economy

<> Soo Locks failure could cripple U.S. economy - A recently released federal study warns that if the Soo Locks in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., were to fail, it would cripple the economy. . .

Friday, May 6, 2016

Ohio EPA boss to Army Corps of Engineers: "Obviously, doing nothing is not acceptable" to clean up toxic blob

<> Ohio EPA boss to Army Corps of Engineers: "Obviously, doing nothing is not acceptable" to clean up toxic blob - The head of the Ohio EPA today characterized the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' response as "less than encouraging" and offered a point-by-point rebuttal to the agency's description of a toxic mass of sediment located on the bottom of Lake Erie off the Cleveland shoreline.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The NEMWI and Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee Co-Host Congressional Briefing on the 2016 Asian Carp Action Plan

<> The NEMWI and Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee Co-Host Congressional Briefing on the 2016 Asian Carp Action Plan - View the Briefing: The Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee (ACRCC), in conjunction with NEMWI, held a Congressional briefing on the 2016 Asian Carp Action Plan

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Corps Response to Ohio EPA's Lake Erie Sediment Concerns

<> Corps Response to Ohio EPA's Lake Erie Sediment Concerns - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says, "No credible scientific evidence supports the hypothesis that a "toxic blob" is migrating towards Cleveland's water intakes. . . we firmly believe that the lake bottom sediment in this area is not migrating nor does it pose a risk to Cleveland's drinking water now, or in the future; it is important to know that there is no credible scientific evidence concluding that it has ever posed a danger to Cleveland's drinking water.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Pipelines safest alternative, says Sarnia mayor

<> Pipelines safest alternative, says Sarnia mayor - Bradley said Sarnia has been working through the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative to press for more accountability by pipeline operators, but he added the alternative to pipelines is to have more oil moving by rail and ships.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Great Lakes climate factsheets

<> Great Lakes climate factsheets - The Graham Sustainability Institute at the University of Michigan created a series of Great Lakes climate factsheets regarding the challenges municipalities face when dealing with climate change, and lessons learned from interacting with several major cities in the region.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Banned PCBs still haunt Great Lakes

<> Banned PCBs still haunt Great Lakes - "Uncontrolled sources are now the worst," referring to ongoing sources such as paint, landfills and sludge beds that continue to release PCBs into the air.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

2016 Asian Carp Action Plan Released

<> 2016 Asian Carp Action Plan Released - The Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee (ACRCC) announced the release of the 2016 Asian Carp Control Action Plan -- formerly called the Asian Carp Control Strategy Framework, the document outlines the strategic and coordinated actions federal, provincial, state and local partners are taking to stop the introduction, spread and establishment of Asian carp into the Great Lakes -- more than $386 million invested in research, control and monitoring efforts.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Dairy farms taking a toll on Great Lakes, waterways

<> Dairy farms taking a toll on Great Lakes, waterways - With blue-green algae blooms becoming a part of summer in Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair, concern is growing that nutrients — including those from cow manure and from large operations with more than 700 milk-producing animals — could be a long-term problem as farmers look for places to put cow waste -- dairy cows defecate more than 80 pounds per day

Monday, April 25, 2016

Great Lakes officials scale-back Waukesha water diversion plan

<> Great Lakes officials scale-back Waukesha water diversion plan - The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Water Resources Regional Body came up with a tentative plan that would reduce the number of communities in a future water service area -- but, nothing is final -- further meeting May 2

Friday, April 22, 2016

Great Lakes leaders to scrutinize Waukesha water diversion bid

<> Great Lakes leaders to scrutinize Waukesha water diversion bid - If the Great Lakes officials meeting in Chicago cannot agree by Friday (Apr 22) to support each of the DNR's findings, or whether to place additional restrictions on the diversion plan, they will reconvene May 10 and 11 to complete their work -- the compact requires a unanimous affirmative vote of the eight states to succeed.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Mayors Urge Governors and Premiers to Reject Waukesha Application

<> Mayors Urge Governors and Premiers to Reject Waukesha Application - Mayors of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative call on the Governors and Premiers of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence basin to reject the Waukesha Water Diversion Application and uphold the Great Lakes Compact and Agreement.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

COMMENTARY: On Straits pipeline, take the right steps to protect lakes

<> COMMENTARY: On Straits pipeline, take the right steps to protect lakes - This pipeline in our Great Lakes hasn't been independently verified to be safe -- until the owners, Enbridge, agree to operate in our Great Lakes 100% transparently and safely, they forfeit the right to use our waters – and this pipeline at the Straits should be shut down immediately. [by Lon Johnson, former chairman of the Michigan Democratic Party, now running the U.S. House of Representatives in Michigan's 1st District.]

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Higher Lake Michigan water level means less beach

<> Higher Lake Michigan water level means less beach - Lake Michigan's water level is nearly an inch above where it was this time last year. For boats and those in the shipping industry, higher levels mean easier access for all.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Western Lake Erie Report Update

<> Western Lake Erie Report Update - In response to questions of interpretation related to results in the report, Informing Lake Erie Agriculture Nutrient Management via Scenario Evaluation, communications improvements have been made in an April 2016 update.

Friday, April 15, 2016

COMMENTARY: What if Enbridge is wrong about its 63-year-old pipeline?

<> COMMENTARY: What if Enbridge is wrong about its 63-year-old pipeline? - Although the pipes lying beneath the Straits of Mackinac were meant to last only 50 years, the Enbridge people say that, with proper maintenance, they could serve their purpose much longer than that. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Great Lakes Protection is Critical, Canadian and American Residents Tell International Joint Commission

<> Great Lakes Protection is Critical, Canadian and American Residents Tell International Joint Commission - Eighty-five percent of respondents believe protecting the Great Lakes is highly important, according to one of the largest surveys ever conducted on public perception of the world's largest freshwater system -- the IJC sponsored the survey is summarized in a new report

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

St. Lawrence listed among endangered waterways

<> St. Lawrence listed among endangered waterways - The impact of outdated dam operations has placed the St. Lawrence River among the most endangered watercourses in the United States, according to an American environmental group -- No. 9 on a list of 10 rivers named Tuesday as the most endangered rivers in the United States by American Rivers

Monday, April 11, 2016

Move over Polar Vortex, "Omega Block" to bring warmer, dry weather to Great Lakes

<> Move over Polar Vortex, "Omega Block" to bring warmer, dry weather to Great Lakes - A weather pattern called an "omega block" will be forming over the U.S. this week -- the Great Lakes and Michigan will be centered under the warm and dry part of the omega block.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Public invited to forum focused on Lake Erie issues

<> Public invited to forum focused on Lake Erie issues - Pennsylvania Sea Grant and the state Department of Environmental Protection are inviting community members to the first meeting of the new Pennsylvania Lake Erie Environmental Forum.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Waukesha Great Lakes water diversion proposal strongly opposed

<> Waukesha Great Lakes water diversion proposal strongly opposed - The Great Lakes Environmental Law Center and Wayne State's Transnational Environmental Law Clinic filed a comment letter authored by Charlotte Johnson, and this is her guest post.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Great Lakes issues key in campaign

<> Great Lakes issues key in campaign - Concern over the twin pipeline Line 5 at the Straits has increased since the state's Michigan Petroleum Pipeline Taskforce published its recommendations.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Waterway From Lake Michigan To Wisconsin Being Challenged

<> Waterway From Lake Michigan To Wisconsin Being Challenged – Michigan State Attorney General Bill Schuette has sent a letter to Great Lakes governors challenging a proposal to allow the Wisconsin city of Waukesha to withdraw water from Lake Michigan.

Friday, April 1, 2016

MI AG Asks for Further Review of Wisconsin City's Plan to Divert 10 Million Gallons of Water Per Day from Lake Michigan

<> MI AG Asks for Further Review of Wisconsin City's Plan to Divert 10 Million Gallons of Water Per Day from Lake Michigan - Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette has issued formal notice to the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Governors' and Premiers' Regional Body and the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Resources Council to voice his concerns regarding the city of Waukesha, Wisconsin's request to divert 10.1 million gallons of water per day from the Great Lakes basin.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

New research gives a clearer picture of where oil might go if Line 5 breaks open in the Great Lakes

<> New research gives a clearer picture of where oil might go if Line 5 breaks open in the Great Lakes – 3/31/16. The University of Michigan's Water Center released new computer simulations -- the simulations show that up to 152 miles of coastline in Lakes Huron and Michigan could be hit by a single oil spill from Line 5. When all 840 simulated spills are plotted on a map, a total of 720 miles of shoreline in the U.S. and Canada are considered at risk.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

New study highlights expense of battling invasive species

<> New study highlights expense of battling invasive species - A University of Wisconsin-Madison study concludes that the estimated cost of controlling a single invasive species, the spiny waterflea, in just one lake could range from $86.5 million to $163 million over 20 years.