Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Great Lakes News

<> Lack of Vitamin B1 Killing Great Lakes Fish - Summary: Great Lakes fish in the salmon family that rely on the fish "alewife" as part of their diet face a major obstacle in restoring naturally reproducing populations, according to new U.S. Geological Survey research

<> Why it's a big deal that half of the Great Lakes are still covered in ice - As the Great Lakes slowly lose their historically large ice covers over the next few months, the domino effects could include lingering cold water, delayed seasonal shifts, and huge jumps in water levels

<> COMMENTARY: Tar sands expansion poses risk to Great Lakes - Expanding proposals for more pipeline capacity by Canadian pipeline company Enbridge, as well as plans to ship tar sands crude oil across Lake Superior and other Great Lakes, are astonishing in their sheer scale.

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