Monday, June 25, 2012

NOAA Great Lakes Lab Releases New Strategic Plan

Jun 25: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) announced the release of its new Strategic Plan, "Innovative Research for the Freshwater Seas." GLERL's 2012 Strategic Plan outlines how GLERL research will advance ecological forecasting capabilities to provide Great Lakes decision-makers and resource managers with information to help anticipate and respond to ecosystem changes. This goal will be accomplished through the coordinated efforts of GLERL's three research branches, which observe the environment, study ecosystem processes and dynamics, and develop integrated physical and ecological models.
   GLERL's base budget of about $9.5 million is distributed across the three science themes using an annual, integrated planning process. The 2012 Strategic Plan guides internal research plans and day-to-day operations by outlining the vision, goals, and objectives of GLERL's integrated science program. The plan contains an Implementation Strategy describing the critical success factors for the execution of our Science Strategy. Critical success factors include strategic leveraging of partnerships, integrated internal project planning, and high-performing facilities, equipment, and information systems, among others. GLERL indicates it will revisit and update the science and operations milestones in this Strategic Plan every six months to track progress toward the goals.

    Access more information and to read GLERL's 2012 Strategic Plan (click here).

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