Monday, March 15, 2010

GLC Wants Pre-Proposals For Air Deposition Projects

Mar 15: The Great Lakes Commission (GLC) is requesting pre-proposals by April 16, 2010, to support the Great Lakes Air Deposition (GLAD) program for 2010. The purpose of the GLAD program is to safeguard the environment and human health from the adverse effects of atmospherically deposited toxic contaminants in the Great Lakes region. The program supports scientific investigation and the development of assessment tools to identify the magnitude, sources and impacts of toxic contaminant deposition within the region and to facilitate concerted and strategic actions to mitigate such impacts.

    Proposals should focus on contaminants of concern for atmospheric deposition in the Great Lakes region and should demonstrate a likelihood that the contaminant(s) being examined are depositing to the region's waterways from the atmosphere in a quantity that may cause adverse impacts to humans or wildlife.  Proposals must describe tangible benefits delivered to the Great Lakes states and how projects will assist the state agencies and their partners in taking informed actions toward assessing and reducing the occurrence and impact of atmospheric deposition of toxic substances. The 2010 Request for Pre-Proposals identifies priority project areas that are specifically targeted for the upcoming year.

    Access the GLAD website for links to the RFP and complete background information (click here).

5-Day Comment Period On Corps Chicago Barrier System EA Plan

Mar 15: In a very brief Federal Register announcement [75 FR 12217] the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District is providing a 5 day public notice and comment period on a planned Environmental Assessment relating to Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal Dispersal Barriers System. According to the notice, the Corps is directed to conduct a study of technologies that may enhance the efficacy of the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal Dispersal Barriers System. The study is structured as a series of interim reports. The Corps says, "Interim Report IIIa, limited to the impacts of implementing additional in-stream barrier/deterrent technologies at key locations in the Illinois and Chicago Area Waterways is the focus of this planned EA."
    The specific technologies under consideration include acoustic deterrents, air bubble curtains, and strobe lights used both individually and in combination. Comments are requested to assist in determining the level of analysis and impacts to be considered for implementing these in-stream barrier/deterrent technologies. The Corps indicates that comments received by the on the proposed EA will be considered fully for the Federal action associated with the Project. Comments concerning the level of analysis or impacts to be considered in the draft Environmental Assessment should be provided by March 19, 2010.
    Access the complete FR announcement with details on commenting (click here).