<> Little things matter in Great Lakes beach, water pollution - While volunteers can pluck debris left on the beaches, a new threat from tiny plastic beads is on the rise in the water."What we find on the beach is closely linked to what we find in the water," said Sherri A. Mason, associate professor. . .
<> Great Lakes states examine alternatives to coal-fired power plants - Even as environmental groups push for alternative energy sources across the Great Lakes Basin and as some lawmakers encourage efforts to reduce greenhouse emissions, most energy powering homes still comes from coal. . .
<> Crews to survey St. Clair River for sea lampreys - Sea lampreys look alien, and Jim Frazer had a close encounter of the worst kind with one last weekend during the Port Huron Spring Fling salmon fishing tournament. . .
<> Algae bloom likely on Lake Erie - The forecast for Lake Erie this summer looks like it will be calling for another outbreak of algae on the water.
<> Lake Erie sediment dumping debate isn't going away - A decision preventing sediment dredged out of Cleveland's harbor from being dumped into Lake Erie has satisfied those worried about it fouling fish and drinking water but it won't end the debate over what to do with silt scooped out. . .
<> Coal-fired SS Badger ferry returns to service - The S.S. Badger, last coal-fired, steam-powered passenger ferry in North America is back in service.
<> OP-ED – Toledo Blade: To restore Lake Erie and the other Great Lakes, cut phosphorus - Toledo Blade. May 18, 2014 GUEST EDITORIAL By Jim Olson To restore Lake Erie and the other