Lyman Welch, Water Quality Program director for the Alliance said, "The future of the Great Lakes depends on the U.S. and Canada following through on their visionary commitments to protect and restore our precious clean water. It also depends on input from those outside government. We are pleased to invite everyone for a discussion on making this happen, providing an opportunity for stakeholders to contribute their views to both governments and the International Joint Commission."
Years in the making, the 40-year-old pact to protect and restore the Great Lakes across national boundaries was updated by the U.S. and Canada in September. The Great Lakes Water Quality Protocol of 2012 is a bi-national agreement addressing key threats to the Great Lakes today, adding prevention of invasive species and adapting to impacts of climate change to its earlier calls for reductions in phosphorus and toxic pollutants. U.S. EPA Region V and the Great Lakes National Program Office in Chicago have made their facilities available for the seminar, 9 AM – 5PM CST, in the Lake Michigan Room of the EPA/GLNPO, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604-3590. Photo identification/security screening will be required for building entry.
Access a posted announcement and agenda (click here). Access the in-person registration website (click here). Access the webinar registration website (click here).