<> Senate passes legislation to protect and conserve the Great Lakes, boost region's economy - The Water Resources Reform and Development Act, which passed the Senate with a broad bipartisan majority 91-7, ensures that for the first time the Great Lakes are treated as a single navigational system, increases funding for harbor maintenance, and provides broader authority for the Army Corps of Engineers to prevent the infiltration of Asian carp into the Great Lakes.
<> Watch huge bank of fog spread over Lake Michigan - Impressive video footage of a thick bank of fog that eventually descended over Lake Michigan in Holland, Mich., was captured by a fisherman this week.
<> MyBeachCast app updates Great Lakes conditions - Beach conditions in the Great Lakes region can be easily checked on a smartphone app created by the Great Lakes Commission.. . .
<> Webinar: "Monitoring the US Ocean and Great Lakes Economy" - Monitoring the US Ocean and Great Lakes Economy Wednesday, June 4, 2014 2:00 – 3:00pm EST Presenter(s): Jeff Adkins and Linwood Pendleton A lot of people's livelihoods depend on the resources of the oceans and Great Lakes. . .
<> National Wildlife Federation: Burying Nuclear Waste Near Great Lakes 'Shockingly Bad Idea' - NWF supports Michigan legislation asking Canada to reconsider plan to store radioactive waste one-quarter mile from Lake Huron. . .