Subscribers Note: WIMS will be on Christmas – New Year break for the next two weeks. We will resume publication on Monday, January 4, 2016. Have a safe & happy holiday season. |
Friday, December 18, 2015
Holiday Break
Scientists predict huge Lake Erie algae blooms
<> Scientists predict huge Lake Erie algae blooms - Scientists at the American Geophysical Union's annual conference in San Francisco are releasing a report today that predicts huge algal growth in Lake Erie for decades, even if the region's policymakers are able to achieve their goal of a 40 percent reduction in farm fertilizers and other nutrients going into the water over the next 10 years. |
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Federal Budget Advances Key Great Lakes Priorities
<> Federal Budget Advances Key Great Lakes Priorities -- Provides $300 million to the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to clean up toxic pollution, restore fish and wildlife habitat, reduce farm and city runoff, and combat invasive species -- also, approximately $510 million for the eight-state Great Lakes region -- MN, WI, IL, IN, MI OH, PA, & NY |
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
EDITORIAL: Lake Erie wind farm could blow away last vestiges of Cleveland Rust Belt rep
<> EDITORIAL: Lake Erie wind farm could blow away last vestiges of Cleveland Rust Belt rep - The $120 million pilot wind farm project in Lake Erie just eight to 10 miles northwest of downtown Cleveland, Ohio, will help the city become a center of innovative alternative energy -- The non-profit Lake Erie Energy Development Co., or LEEDCo, has been planning a six-turbine pilot project that will generate about 20 megawatts of electricity at peak output. |
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Marine sanctuary possible for Lake Superior
<> Marine sanctuary possible for Lake Superior - The possibility of naming a Lake Superior National Marine Sanctuary in western Lake Superior is the topic of this month's Iron County Citizen's Forum -- the designation is eyed mainly for Chequamegon Bay near Ashland, WI but the designation could extend east to Iron County, WI. |
Monday, December 14, 2015
2016 Great Lakes Commission Semiannual Meeting and Great Lakes Day
<> 2016 Great Lakes Commission Semiannual Meeting and Great Lakes Day - Registration is now open for the 2016 Great Lakes Commission Semiannual Meeting and Great Lakes Day in Washington, D.C., to be held Feb. 23-25. |
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Peters Pipeline Safety Provisions Move Forward in the Senate
<> Peters Pipeline Safety Provisions Move Forward in the Senate - The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee approved bipartisan legislation U.S. Senator Gary Peters (D-MI) introduced with his Commerce Committee colleagues to reauthorize the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) through 2019, and improve pipeline safety and oversight.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
U.S. House approves bill to ban plastic microbeads
<> U.S. House approves bill to ban plastic microbeads - The House on Monday approved a bill by unanimous voice vote, co-sponsored by Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), that would phase out the production and sale of tiny bits of plastic called microbeads in personal-care products, starting in 2017 -- the Microbead-Free Waters Act, sponsored by Frank Pallone Jr. (D-NJ).
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Michigan Can do More to Protect Lake Erie, Curb Harmful Algal Blooms
<> Michigan Can do More to Protect Lake Erie, Curb Harmful Algal Blooms - The National Wildlife Federation and Michigan League of Conservation Voters today urged the state of Michigan to bolster its plan to protect Lake Erie from harmful algal blooms like the 2014 bloom that left more than 400,000 people without access to safe drinking water and the largest bloom on record this year. |
Monday, December 7, 2015
Funding Opportunity: NOAA's Great Lakes Regional Habitat Restoration Partnerships
<> Funding Opportunity: NOAA's Great Lakes Regional Habitat Restoration Partnerships - NOAA's Restoration Center has released a federal funding opportunity (FFO) for habitat restoration in Great Lakes Areas of Concern -- the closing date is February 2, 2016. |
Friday, December 4, 2015
IJC Calls for Improved Great Lakes Atmospheric Mercury Monitoring
<> International Joint Commission Calls for Improved Great Lakes Atmospheric Mercury Monitoring - IJC, concerned by the lack of sustained funding for the number of monitoring sites, is recommending in a new report that the Canadian and U.S. governments provide stable long-term funding to monitor atmospheric deposition of mercury in the Great Lakes region -- concerned that mercury concentrations in some Great Lakes fish in some locations are increasing or may increase in some fish species in the future due to significant increases in coal burning in Asia. |
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Toxic Lake Erie shipwreck never should have been on Great Lakes, research shows
<> Toxic Lake Erie shipwreck never should have been on Great Lakes, research shows - The Argo, a tanker barge that sank Oct. 20, 1937, in a storm, was operating illegally during its final journey — a trip from New Jersey to Sault Ste. Marie and back to load 4,700 barrels of benzole that is still threatening the lakes eight decades later. |
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Canada delays decision on Lake Huron nuke waste storage
<> Canada delays decision on Lake Huron nuke waste storage - Canada's environmental minister will delay making a final decision on a controversial plan to bury nuclear waste within a mile of Lake Huron in Kincardine, Ont., until March 1, 2016. |
Monday, November 30, 2015
NOAA graphics show how a Mackinac straits oil spill might look
<> NOAA graphics show how a Mackinac straits oil spill might look - Water currents model used during Enbridge exercise. |
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
EDITORIAL: Lake Erie dumping of Cuyahoga River dredge? No! No! No!
<> EDITORIAL: Lake Erie dumping of Cuyahoga River dredge? No! No! No! - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is again seeking authorization from |
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Activists ask environment minister to halt nuclear waste burial
<> Activists ask environment minister to halt nuclear waste burial - Groups opposed to Ontario Power Generation's proposal to bury nuclear waste near Lake Huron north of Kincardine are petitioning the federal Environment and Climate Change minister. |
Monday, November 23, 2015
MI U.S. Senators Stabenow, Peters Urge Funding for Great Lakes Heavy Icebreaker
<> MI U.S. Senators Stabenow, Peters Urge Funding for Great Lakes Heavy Icebreaker - Heavy ice cover seen in recent winters has seriously impaired commercial shipping and economic activity in the Great Lakes -- last winter, cargo shipping decreased by 3.2 million tons, costing $355 million in lost revenue and nearly 2,000 jobs. |
Friday, November 20, 2015
Bill to ban microbeads advances in Congress
<> Bill to ban microbeads advances in Congress - The Microbead-Free Waters Act of 2015, (H.R. 1321) co-sponsored by U.S. Rep. Fred Upton( R-MI) and Rep. Frank Pallone ( D-NJ), passed the U.S. House of Representatives energy and commerce committee on Wednesday, Nov. 18 -- the bill now goes to the full House for debate. |
Thursday, November 19, 2015
To prevent Great Lakes oil spills, map the risks and strengthen rules
<> To prevent Great Lakes oil spills, map the risks and strengthen rules - [Commentary By Michigan U.S. Sens. Gary Peters (D-Bloomfield Twp) & Debbie Stabenow (D-Lansing)] The Senators say: "We are deeply concerned about the potential for future spills in Michigan — particularly from Line 5, a pair of 60-year old oil and gas pipelines that lie exposed in the water at the bottom of the Straits of Mackinac." |
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
LEEDCo lands a third DOE grant to develop Lake Erie wind project
<> LEEDCo lands a third DOE grant to develop Lake Erie wind project - The U.S. Department of Energy has not given up on Lake Erie-based wind turbines, the first freshwater-based turbines in the nation -- Lake Erie Energy Development Corp. (LEEDCo) is in line for a $3.7 million research and development grant in March of 2016 |
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Controversy over oil pipeline in Lake Michigan
<> Controversy over oil pipeline in Lake Michigan - Video: The oil pipeline running under the Straits of Mackinac in Michigan is causing concerns for drinking water in communities around Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. |
Monday, November 16, 2015
What is happening to the salmon?
<> What is happening to the salmon? - In a four-year span between 2004 and 2008, |
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Bipartisanship key in working to protect Great Lakes
<> Bipartisanship key in working to protect Great Lakes - Guest column by U.S. Rep. Fred Upton, R-St. Joseph, MI |
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
NOAA seeks public input on WI/Lake Michigan national marine sanctuary proposal
<> NOAA seeks public input on WI/Lake Michigan national marine sanctuary proposal - NOAA is asking for the public's input on a proposed national marine sanctuary to protect historic shipwrecks in a section of Lake Michigan along the Wisconsin coast. The area was proposed to NOAA with broad community support -- meetings: Nov. 17, 18, 19; public comment period closes on Jan. 15, 2016. |
Monday, November 9, 2015
Asian carp recommendations could take 4 more years
<> Asian carp recommendations could take 4 more years - Nearly two years after the release of a landmark report on alternatives for keeping Asian carp out of the Great Lakes, federal officials told members of Congress on Wednesday it could be another four years before recommendations for stopping the invasive species at a key chokepoint outside Chicago, Ill., are ready. |
Friday, November 6, 2015
MI Senators Stabenow, Peters, Rep. Kildee Call for Newly Elected Canadian Prime Minister to Stop Storage of Nuclear Waste on Great Lakes
<> MI Senators Stabenow, Peters, Rep. Kildee Call for Newly Elected Canadian Prime Minister to Stop Storage of Nuclear Waste on Great Lakes - The previous Canadian administration said a decision on whether or not to move forward with the construction of a repository would be made by December 2. |
Thursday, November 5, 2015
New saltie on Great Lakes is first with onboard ballast treatment
<> New saltie on Great Lakes is first with onboard ballast treatment - Fednav, Canada's largest Great Lakes shipping fleet, took delivery this week of the first Great Lakes-bound saltie with a permanent, on-board ballast water treatment system. |
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
A scientific panel weighs in on fish farming
<> A scientific panel weighs in on fish farming - A report on fish farming in the Great Lakes suggests Michigan should move carefully if it allows the industry to start up -- Canadians raise millions of trout in Lake Huron every year and some people want Michigan to do the same -- fish farms are proposed for the Bay de Noch near Escanaba, and in Lake Huron near Roger's City -- the main concern scientists have about pollution from these farms is phosphorus, a nutrient plants need |
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Great Lakes Commission supports action to protect the region from new invasive species
<> Great Lakes Commission supports action to protect the region from new invasive species - The Great Lakes Commission supports action proposed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to take preventive measures to protect the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River region from damaging invasive species and to list ten fish and one crayfish species under a federal law that prohibits the importation and transport of harmful, non-native wildlife. |
Monday, November 2, 2015
Final Report on the Lake Huron Restoration Regional Meetings
<> Final Report on the Lake Huron Restoration Regional Meetings - Keystone Policy Center report on meetings held this past spring in Bay City, Port Huron, Alpena, and Sault Ste. Marie |
Friday, October 30, 2015
MI DNR says future 'not awesome' for Lake Michigan Chinook salmon fishery
<> MI DNR says future 'not awesome' for Lake Michigan Chinook salmon fishery - According to the Michigan DNR, the salmon population in Lake Michigan has dropped about 75 percent from its peak in 2012. The numbers are not comforting but fishery managers say the agency is working to avoid a |
Thursday, October 29, 2015
2015 State of Lake Huron Meeting
<> 2015 State of Lake Huron Meeting - This two day meeting, November 4-5, sponsored by the Lake Huron Partnership, will bring together scientists, resource managers, and interested members of the public from the United States and Canada to discuss the current science and status of Lake Huron, including the St. Marys River -- a webinar option will be used to livestream both days of the meeting |
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Great Lakes states guard water - even from neighbors
<> Great Lakes states guard water — even from neighbors - Some scientists call the Great Lakes the United States' greatest natural resource -- so why can't the Southwest, the most water-depleted part of the country, tap into that immense supply? |
Monday, October 26, 2015
All-New Great Lakes Now Special Report
Friday, October 23, 2015
Service Awards $1.8 million for Fish and Wildlife Restoration in the Great Lakes Basin
<> Service Awards $1.8 million for Fish and Wildlife Restoration in the Great Lakes Basin - The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that $1.83 million in federal funding has been awarded under the Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act grant program to restore sustainable populations of fish and wildlife resources, and their habitats, in the Great Lakes Basin -- two regional projects and seven research and restoration grant projects funded will provide $527,196 in non-federal partner match contributions. |
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Unique conditions impacting Great Lakes water levels information now available
<> Unique conditions impacting Great Lakes water levels information now available - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District announces a new Great Lakes water levels outlook product available on the Corps' Website -- the 2015/2016 El Nino Great Lakes Water Level Outlook |
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Low water level in Lake Ontario concerns residents
<> Low water level in Lake Ontario concerns residents - According to the Great Lakes Information Network, Lake Ontario's water level is almost 23 centimetres below what it was at this time last year and is expected to drop another 15 centimetres during the seasonal decline. |
Monday, October 19, 2015
Concerns raised about ability to stop Asian carp
<> Concerns raised about ability to stop Asian carp - The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service again confirmed Thursday that small fish may be pulled along by barges going past electrical barriers, reigniting concerns that young Asian carp could be transported into the Great Lakes despite the barriers intended to keep them from migrating north out of Chicago waterways. |
Friday, October 16, 2015
NEMWI Releases "How Clean Is Clean?"
<> NEMWI Releases "How Clean Is Clean?" - The Northeast-Midwest Institute released "How Clean Is Clean?" describing its cutting-edge research to protect the |
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
GLPF is Moving!
<> GLPF is Moving! - The offices of the Great Lakes Protection Fund are relocating to a different suite on October 15 and 16, 2015 -- |
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Great Lakes Leaders Stress Economic Importance of Seaway System
<> Great Lakes Leaders Stress Economic Importance of Seaway System - The NEMWI and the Great Lakes Seaway Partnership co-hosted a breakfast briefing on the Great Lakes Seaway Navigation System on October 7, 2015. |
Friday, October 9, 2015
Annual Lake Erie walleye assessment begins next week
<> Annual Lake Erie walleye assessment begins next week - MDNR will conduct its annual walleye assessment in the west basin of Lake Erie near Monroe, beginning Oct. 12 and continuing through Oct. 16. |
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Stormwater Management: Lessons Learned from the Chesapeake Bay and Great Lakes Region
<> Stormwater Management: Lessons Learned from the Chesapeake Bay and Great Lakes Region - The report provides insights gleaned from workshops and assessments EPA and NOAA held with local planners on ways to further the adoption of climate change adaptation practices in stormwater management -- assessing common challenges and opportunities across the Chesapeake Bay and Great Lakes regions and for providing specific examples of tools, data, methods, and actions that can be used to address climate change impacts -- comments due by November 6, 2015. |
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Mayors hold first Great Lakes Day at Queen's Park
<> Mayors hold first Great Lakes Day at Queen's Park - Over twenty local elected officials of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative from across Ontario are meeting with provincial legislators to press for action on issues threatening the Great Lakes and communities that rely on them, with action on toxic algae in Lake Erie and Asian Carp in Lake Ontario topping the priority list. |