Friday, January 8, 2010

Great Lakes Initiative Interagency Funding Guide

Jan 8: U.S. EPA's Great Lakes National Program Office announced that the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative’s (GLRI's) Interagency Funding Guide has been updated. It provides one-stop-shopping for applicants interested in applying for over $250 million in grants and project agreements available through the GLRI. The grants and project agreements are intended to jump-start achievement of the Initiative’s long term goals: safely eating the fish and swimming at our beaches, assuring safe drinking water, and providing a healthy ecosystem for fish and wildlife. The Interagency Funding Guide also includes status information on offerings which are open (offerings from EPA and Fish and Wildlife) and those which have closed (offerings from NOAA and through Sustain Our Great Lakes).

Access an overview and the 20 page guide in Scribd or PDF formats (
click here).

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