Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Annual Great Lakes Areas Of Concern Meeting

Sep 4: The annual Areas of Concern (AOC) meeting will be held in Cleveland, Ohio on September 12-13, 2012, as part of Great Lakes Week 2012, and will convene federal, state and local participants from the 30 U.S. and Binational AOCs to review accomplishments to date, as well as recent developments affecting the AOC program. Discussions at the conference will include: Recent achievements from around the Great Lakes basin to remove Beneficial Use Impairment (BUIs) and delist AOC's; Best practices to achieve BUI restoration targets; How to build state and local capacity to implement on-the-ground and in-the-water restoration actions; How to plan and implement AOC restoration priorities under the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative; How to improve linkages and develop better integration between the AOCs, LaMPs and other Great Lakes programs; and Potential actions that could strengthen the U.S. and Canadian AOC programs.
    Access a posted announcement and links to registration and additional information (click here).
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