Friday, October 5, 2012

Two Major Great Lakes Protection Fund Grants

Oct 5: In September of 2012, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo assumed the chairmanship of the Great Lakes Protection Fund (GLPR) and selected Matthew Driscoll to serve as Chair of the Board. At the meeting the Board of Directors also awarded two grants that commit more than $1.2 million to teams that further the Fund's mission to identify, demonstrate, and promote regional action to enhance the health of the Great Lakes ecosystem.

    One grant of up to $449,000 was awarded to a team (comprised of 8 organizations) led by the Council of Great Lakes Industries to create, through pilot testing, a new water stewardship toolkit specific to the Great Lakes region, that will prevent or reduce ecosystem impacts from water use, and be compatible with industry needs. A second grant of up to $823,000 was awarded to a team (comprised of 8 organizations) led by Wayne State University to develop, test, and implement an automated shipboard sampling system that will enable real-time verification of the efficacy of ballast water treatment systems and reduce the likelihood of new invasive  species entering the Great Lakes.

    GLPR is a private, nonprofit corporation formed in 1989 by the Governors of the Great Lakes states. It is a permanent environmental endowment that supports projects that lead to tangible improvements in the health of the Great Lakes ecosystem; promote the interdependence of healthy ecological and economic systems; and are innovative, creative, and venturesome.
    Access the announcement from GLPR and link to more information on the grants and the Driscoll appointment (click here).
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