discharges will be certain food wastes, cargo residues, cleaning agents and additives in wash waters, and animal carcasses. The interim rule is effective April 1, 2013, and comments and related material must be submitted on or before May 29, 2013.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Interim Rule & Comments On MARPOL Annex V Amendments
discharges will be certain food wastes, cargo residues, cleaning agents and additives in wash waters, and animal carcasses. The interim rule is effective April 1, 2013, and comments and related material must be submitted on or before May 29, 2013.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
NWF Questions First Proposed Diversion Under Great Lakes Compact
Smith said, "Our goal for this report is to provide the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources an objective scientific evaluation of the Waukesha diversion application. The report focuses on conservation measures, demand forecast, and environmental impacts of withdrawals." The diversion application is the first since the Great Lakes Compact passed in 2008. Waukesha is eligible to apply for Great Lakes water because it lies within a county that straddles the Great Lakes and Mississippi River divide. That county, Waukesha County in southeastern Wisconsin, is located 18 miles west of Milwaukee and Lake Michigan.
Smith said, "The Great Lakes Compact is clear on what is expected of any diversion application. We support the thorough review of the application by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Our report indicates that as of today, Waukesha does not show the burden of proof in this application." The precedent-setting application must not only stand up to the scrutiny of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, but must undergo regional review by the governors of the seven Great Lakes states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and the Canadian premiers of Ontario and Quebec. Applications for exceptions in straddling counties must also be approved by all eight of the governors.
Access a release from NWF and link to the complete 35-page report and a blog posting (click here). [GLakes/Diversion]
Friday, February 22, 2013
USACE Releases OH & NY Aquatic Pathway Assessment Reports
The medium rating indicates that while ANS transfer could occur at these locations, it is estimated that none of the ANS would likely be able to reach the aquatic pathway within the next 20 years. Grand Lake-St. Mary's (Mercer County), Mosquito Creek Lake-Grand River (Trumbull County) and the one potential pathway location for New York at East Mud Lake (Chautauqua County) have a low probability for the inter-basin movement of ANS, meaning it is unlikely for ANS of Concern to reach the pathway location on their own and to establish a population in the vicinity within the next 50 years.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Interim Report Asian Carp Environmental DNA Calibration Study
USACE Environmental DNA (eDNA) Program Manager Kelly Baerwaldt said, "The purpose of ECALS is to improve the understanding and interpretation of Asian carp environmental DNA results, so we can refine and make this relatively young monitoring tool the most effective to detect live Asian carp presence." Initial ECALS efforts within the report focus on identifying alternative sources of eDNA beyond a live Asian carp, whereas marker development to aid in detecting the specific species and calibration experiments that look at factors that may influence the detection, degradation or persistence of DNA will receive greater attention in 2013.
Among preliminary findings: Storm sewers, fisheries sampling gear, fish-eating birds, dead fish carcasses, barges, and sediments may contribute to a positive eDNA detection without a live fish being present; DNA can stay on these sources for a numbers of days; Tagged-bird studies show large variations in bird movement and consumption of Asian carp in the wild, which may lead to positive detection of Asian carp eDNA in bird feces; Shedding rates of DNA from Asian carp were not affected by different temperatures or flow rates of water; and DNA from Asian carp sperm can be detected for over two weeks after release from an Asian carp.
Access a release from USACE with more details on the conference call and related information (click here). Access a separate release from the ACRCC with links to an Executive Summary; eDNA Fact Sheet; ECALS Fact Sheet; and the ECALS Report (click here). [#GLakes/AsianCarp]
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Mayors Say "Serious Crisis" With Great Lakes Water Levels
"There is a serious crisis on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence right now with water levels on Lakes Michigan and Huron at historic lows and well below average levels on the other lakes and the St.Lawrence. The impacts are widespread and significant. Commercial shipping and recreational boating, water intake structures, coastal wetlands, beaches, and many of the things that are so important to our economic well- being and quality of life are being adversely affected."As mayors of 96 cities in the United States and Canada along the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence with over 16 million citizens, we are living with the effects of these low water levels on a daily basis. We ask that you engage the full authority of your offices to find near, mid, and long term solutions to this problem. Although the International Joint Commission has conducted extensive studies and come up with some recommendations, the situation has deteriorated, especially in Georgian Bay, and needs prompt action."We stand ready to work with your offices and your departments, ministries, and agencies to find solutions and implement them promptly. . ."
Friday, February 15, 2013
Presque Isle Bay In PA Removed From AOC List
On her last day as EPA Administrator, Lisa Jackson said, "I'm proud to announce that Presque Isle Bay is no longer considered an Area of Concern. We still have a great deal of work to do in the Great Lakes, but this is a positive step that will help protect people's health and the environment in the community. President Obama has made cleaning up the Great Lakes a priority for his Administration, and delisting Presque Isle Bay is a big step toward fulfilling that commitment."
In a release EPA indicated that the historic discharge of industrial and domestic wastewater contaminated Presque Isle Bay with excessive nutrients, organic compounds, toxic metals and other pollutants. Improvements at Erie's wastewater treatment plant, along with the waterfront's conversion from heavy industrial to commercial use, reduced pollution and helped restore the bay.
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection will continue to monitor ecological conditions in Presque Isle Bay, with support from EPA.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Record Lowest Ever Water Levels For Lake Michigan-Huron
John Allis, Chief of the Great Lakes Hydraulics and Hydrology Office said, "Not only have water levels on Michigan-Huron broken records the past two months, but they have been very near record lows for the last several months before then. Lake Michigan-Huron's water levels have also been below average for the past 14 years, which is the longest period of sustained below average levels since 1918 for that lake."
The current record low water levels on Lake Michigan-Huron are the result of lower than average snowfall during the winter of 2011-2012, coupled with the very hot and dry summer. Together these conditions led to only a 4 inch seasonal rise of Lake Michigan-Huron in 2012, compared to an average rise of 12 inches. Also, evaporation was significantly above average during the summer and fall months and contributed to a very rapid seasonal decline.
Access a release from USACE-Detroit (click here). Access the USACE-Detroit website for more information on Great Lakes water levels (click here). [#Glakes/Climate]
Friday, February 1, 2013
Senate EPW Hearing On Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund
"Increasing investment in ports and reforming the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund will be critical components of the next Water Resources Development Act – known as WRDA. Senator Vitter and I have already begun working together on this vital legislation which supports water resources infrastructure nationwide. WRDA authorizes the projects and programs of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and provides many benefits to the American people -- including expanding and maintaining navigation routes for commerce."