Monday, December 3, 2012

Funding For AOC Habitat Restoration Partnership Projects

Nov 30: NOAA's Restoration Center has released a Federal funding opportunity (FFO) for habitat restoration in Great Lakes Areas of Concern (AOCs). The closing date is January 15, 2013. Through the solicitation, NOAA seeks to openly compete funding available for multi-year Great Lakes Regional Habitat Restoration Partnerships. Partnerships will result in implementation of a wide-range of individual habitat restoration projects focused in U.S. AOCs with funds provided by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative as anticipated in the President's FY2013 Budget.

    NOAA anticipates up to $10 million may be available to establish
habitat restoration Partnerships in 2013, with annual funding anticipated to maintain them for up to three years. Typical Partnership awards are expected to range from $500,000 to $5,000,000 per year. Funding will support both engineering and design projects and on the ground implementation projects. NOAA notes that, "This is NOT a request for individual habitat restoration project proposals. A separate project-based funding opportunity will be released in January 2013."
    Access a posted announcement with links to the FFO, AOC information and contacts (click here).
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